ImageHeight - (Read Only) The height in pixels of the loaded GIF image.
ImageWidth - (Read Only) The width in pixels of the loaded GIF image.
Filename - Assigning a GIF file name to this property during run-time loads the GIF file into the control.
Picture - Allows loading of a GIF file into the control during design-time.
Stretch - When set to True, the image will be stretched or shrunk as needed to fit within the dimensions of the control. When set to False, the image will be displayed in its original size. If the image is too large to be displayed in the control, then not all of it will be visible, and scrolling would be required using the XOffset and YOffset properties (see below).
XOffset - Used for scrolling a large unstretched image left and right within the control. Values less than zero have the effect of scrolling the image left within the control, and values greater than zero scroll the image right.
YOffset - Used for scrolling a large unstretched image up and down within the control. Values less than zero have the effect of scrolling the image down within the control, and values greater than zero scroll the image up.